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I was very interested in your blogs, my father grew up in Pio Pio in the 1940s. He said the house looks very familiar but just cant place its location. He also said told me at Paemako when a relative died in a house on a nearby property his Granny took him down there to help her dismantle it, the house was more like a small batch and after he had stacked the timber and roof iron Granny made him wash his hands in a running stream nearby while she chanted over him, this was to rid him and protect him from any spirits that may still be part of the house that he had touched. I thought this was an interesting story he told me as a result of your blog, so I wanted to share it with you.


Hi Tina, thanks for sharing that from your father. Our farm is in Paemako. One of the houses I photographed is on Troopers Road, the other on the main road into Te Kuiti.

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