Amongst other things on the go lately, I've finally started the needlepoint cushions for our rimu pew.
I'm realizing it's quite a project I've taken on here: two cushions, each of about four feet in length, that are meant to look the same with a huge range of colors, some quite similar. There's also a difference between the actual painted canvas and the original artwork by Piopio artist Jo Gallagher, and we picked yarn colors from the original artwork, which is much more varied (and more interesting from my perspective, so I want to use that as my reference point).
So I'm having to do the same colors on both canvases at the same time, referring to the original screened artwork. Also, given the subtle variations in color (especially the greens), I need to spread out all of yarns to make sure I'm working with the right color.
It's not a terribly mobile project, but one that when it's done it will be incredible.
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