I love it when this sort of thing happens when I'm wandering around Struan Farm.
I undertook a major "thistle patrol" initiative this past weekend. John and I have made a serious dent in controlling these introduced, noxious weeds over the years since we've taken the farm on from John's parents. We don't like using sprays, so this has been accomplished primarily by walking around with a bottle of granules, one thistle at a time. Sometimes if we don't stay on top of it the thistles gain some ground, but generally we're winning. It can be almost meditative and relaxing unless you're needing to clamber up and down slippery hillsides!
Walking up to the new house site, where the thistles have been winning of late, I came upon these vibrant orange fungi under the redwood trees:
Wow. Thanks Mother Nature, now we just need to have a chat about those thistles....
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