Was really pleased to see that the orange "L'Oreal Trophy" rose I have grown from a cutting is in flower in the gardens at Struan Farm.
For some reason I've been lucky with roses. I've grown all of the roses planted under the Perfect Pergola from cuttings. In fact, I've got surplus bushes up in the back, waiting for proper homes.
I've read about various techniques, using honey or a rooting medium to dip the cuttings in before planting, but I just pop them in and water regularly, in a shady spot. I make sure to cut the bottom just below a nib, and don't leave many leaves on the piece at all, perhaps just one or two.
I've grown mostly older varieties, that wouldn't be genetically engineered hybrids. Not sure if this makes a difference or not.
But this has been a low cost way of having lots of roses in the gardens at Struan Farm, and perpetuating roses that have been on the property for many, many years. I realized that I hadn't taken a cutting of this one as yet, and it was a favorite of John's mum Rosemary, so am glad to see this is thriving.