Early start yesterday. The concrete truck showed up at the new house at Struan Farm just before 6:30 a.m., and it was all on to pour the path in the backyard from the back door, one for the veggie gardens and also at the side of the garage. Six guys working away. The boxing had been done several weeks ago, we were just waiting for weather and availability to get the job done.

This is phase one. Next comes the driveway, which will be tinted grey, and edging around the workshop.
The wooden retaining wall at the orchard is being extended around the back of the workshop to finish that area too. At some point, most likely next winter, this means I can plant two new fruit trees in the orchard. One will replace our apricot, which died, probably due to diggers and fencers messing around that area. It hadn't been faring particularly well before all that, so we'll need to consider our options. Apples, quinces and plums do best, peaches and nectarines need copper but still get leaf curl, and the pears are too young for us to know how they'll do either way. (All of our nut trees are elsewhere.)
Getting back to out back, once the concrete is dry and boxing removed the area will be graded, fine metal/gravel spread, and then the concrete troughs for the veggie gardens lifted into place and filled with topsoil, compost, etc. At which point I can spring into action, planting veggies and landscaping.
I'll also be planting black currants, lime and pomegranate trees in the area between the troughs and the back of the garage. The latter two are total experiments, I'll need to use liquid frost cloth on them for sure, but this is a reasonably protected area.
Reminds me I need to paint that wood shed too....
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