It was wonderful to see granddaughters Ella and Livvy reconnect with our former pet lambs Rosie, Ruby, Pip and Pepper during their visit to Struan Farm over the holiday weekend. The girls went out to the Pet Paddock, appropriately enough, where they searched out (the other girls) Rosie, Ruby and Pepper, who all stopped munching grass and came up for them to cuddle and pat. Yes, even our introvert Pepper!
Eventually Pepper had enough of the cuddles (she is still Pepper, after all...). She stood off to the side as an amused observer before heading over to nibble one of the young apple trees.
The girls and I then went to find Pip, who was mingling with the rest of the mob. Pip wasn't terribly interested, although she did walk up to Livvy for a quick pat before running off. Livvy was thrilled she had been designated the "special" one by Pip, who has always been "her" lamb, after all!
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