I was wanting a bit of excitement given all the rainy weather we've been having in Piopio, but this is far more than I wanted or bargained for.
A few days ago between showers I heard a scraping noise was coming from the road, down below the top bank that runs along our main orchard at Struan Farm. Off I went to investigate. Our local roading contractor, Inframax, had a lane of traffic closed off, and was cleaning up part of the bank that had slipped due to all the wet weather. Oh. Oh. Previously it had been trees on the other side of the road. In this case it was mostly vegetation and soil, but on our side of the road.
Yesterday morning Clifford started barking and I walked down the drive to find this:
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. This situation has turned into a more substantial slip with the rains continuing. The lane will stay closed until NZTA decides what it wants to do with the problem. It may entail working from up top with a digger to even off what is now a sheer bank. This could mean the digger going through the orchard, ripping things up, etc.
As you might imagine, they will be talking to John while I take lots of cleansing breaths. They tell me they will replace any feature trees damaged and restore lawn, hedge, etc. if this is the option decided upon. Clearly we don't want the bank to continue to slide onto the road either way.
I guess this is what I get for threatening to move those quince trees, which are right in the line of fire, but our Peasgood Nonsuch apple tree, a peach and some plums could also bite the dust. I've learned that most digger drivers don't really think about fruit trees that have been nursed along for years or other feature trees for that matter, they just do the job they're meant to do.
So I can't think about all that right now, really can't! I'll deal with reality when it happens.
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