Very exciting to see that the various seed trays of vegetables and flowers I planted out last week in the glasshouse at Struan Farm are already starting to germinate. I won't bore you with too many different photos of minuscule little plants breaking through dirt, since they all look pretty much the same. Here are two:
As of this moment flower seeds germinated are the marigold seeds I gathered up and saved from last year, scabiosa, and echinops. Tomatoes are King's Seeds Oxheart and KB's "Big Red Cherry" and "Pear Shaped." The latter two are growing from seeds I saved last year from Mr. V's heirlooms, I will need his help eventually for proper identification. But I'm pleased to have had some initial success saving tomato seeds. That being said, you never know until they grow! I'll be starting some zucchini and pumpkin seeds in pots in the next day or so.
Spring is so exciting, I too get off on these tiny green things that pop their heads through the soil with the promise to grow into something big and yummy, or beautiful, or both! Diving into Fall but I still have some tiny lettuce germinating in the green house and will transplant some kale and Swiss chard from the vege garden to keep the green going as long as possible.
Maybe we both get our thrills cheap!
Have fun and enjoy.
Hugs Julie
Posted by: Julia Marmont | 08/30/2016 at 05:13 PM