Yep, I've gone to town once again on the heirloom tomato front here at Struan Farm. I've planted 40 or so seedlings out over the weekend in beds and pots.
The varieties include: Oxheart (King's Seeds and Bristols), Bristol Mexican Pink, Mr.V's Pink, Bristol Russian Hat, KB's Big Round Red, Pear Shaped and Big Red Cherry, and Ivanica's Pink. The "KB" varieties are those last year that I didn't keep track of properly, but the ones I really liked. I haven't planted either Black Cherry or Black Krim this year. I may regret not having the former.
Nephew Mike has carted up some buckets of sand from the river which I've used to make rings around each plant to deter the snails and slugs. I've also twisted a thin copper wire around each to help combat fungus (this may be voodoo science, but I did it last year and didn't have any problems). A good dump of tomato food plus a stake in waiting for each and the job was done.
Since this is the year I'm meant to be keeping track of varieties properly, on the advice of my tomato mentor "Mr. V" I've made roughly sketched maps of which varieties are planted where. (Of course I made a little tomato collage around the edge of my main bed map.)
Upon seeing this John accused me of being "childlike" in my enthusiasms, something that is okay by me!