Do you remember your father asking your mother where his keys/shoes/socks/wallet/phone (insert anything, really) were? I used to laugh at this growing up, my father expecting my mother to know where he'd left his stuff. Most of the time she did.
Now I find myself in a similar situation, which makes me think that this behaviour is perhaps more universal than I'd thought.
John misplaces his keys/wallet/phone and asks me where they are. I leave my things in the same place so I can find them when I need them. John leaves things all over then issues an SOS. My sympathy extends only so far on this score. Our standing joke is that he's a much better person than I am!
A few days ago a ladder Mike needed was missing. John searched all the sheds, workshop, etc. and couldn't find it. Now I don't use ladders. We both went down for a second look around, since Plan B was to buy a new one. I went into the tractor shed. The ladder was right there.
Seems I have another super power in addition to a Green Thumb and Eyes in the Back of My Head: Being in the Know. It's a burden, really!
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