You may recall that John pulled the plug at our main pond here at Struan Farm a few weeks ago. Every other year or so we do this to clean out muck, weeds, etc. We put the plug back in so the pond refills before it's time for ducks and frogs to do their seasonal thing.
A few days ago when John and I were walking around on the lambing beat he noticed that the pond hadn't drained quite as much as it should have. It seems something had clogged the pipe, so he knelt down and started pulling out whatever it was. Out popped Huey, one of our vintage duck decoys!
Huey confessed to us that he'd thought it might be fun to take a ride through the pipe with the rushing water down to the ponds at the river, but he got stuck. He promised us he won't try that again! Louie is still floating in the pond so may decide to try the same thing, while Dewey is safely resting on the opposite bank. I can't find Tui anywhere, she either has flown off or is hiding in the rushes somewhere.