Over coffee the other morning John and I were musing about pet lamb ewe Rosie. She now advises us when the mob of sheep would like to be moved from one paddock to the next here at Struan Farm, coming up to John or whomever she comes across. When John goes to open gates to move the sheep it is Rosie who leads them forward, regularly. My girl is a leader. I wonder if this is because she was raised by humans, is just an intelligent sheep, or some combination thereof.
This conversation segued into wondering if I might be able to teach Rosie or our next group of pet lambs another language. I speak Spanish somewhat, still. I wasn't able to recall the Spanish word for sheep or lamb so have looked that up along with a few other key terms. I've now put together a wee vocabulary for next season for everyone involved with the pet lambs to learn and practice. In addition to me, that includes John, Mike, and a grandchild or two. We'll have practice sessions before next September. John is already telling me not to make it too complicated.
Lamb: Cordero
Pet lamb: Cordero para mascota
Orphaned lamb: Cordero huerfano
Sheep: Oveja
Bottle: La mamadera (note: "botella" is another option, but "mamadera" is a baby bottle specifically, so more appropriate)
Bottle time: Tiempo de la mamadera
Milk: Leche
One at a time, please!: De uno en uno, por favor!
Farm: La Granja
Farmer (of the feminine gender): La Granjera
Farmer (of the male gender): El Granjero
Pet pen: Patio de mascotas
For Rosie I will just concentrate on "manzana" or apple to start, but I'm sure she will be a quick learner and onto complete sentences soon. She's achievement oriented!
She definitely looks intelligent - for a sheep!!! :)
Posted by: Jen Yates | 02/19/2018 at 07:38 AM