I'm contending with a bit of a surplus position of long red chiles from the veggie gardens here at Struan Farm, or "chillies" to spell things the kiwi way. I've been putting them in a ziplock bag in the freezer, but since that is now bulging with a stash that should cover my needs for the next year, creativity is required.
A recent Donna Hay "Fresh & Light" magazine, issue #11, had a section with recipes for making pickled vegetables, including carrots, cabbage, green tomatoes and chillies. Basically just the sort of produce we're all having surplus of in our veggie gardens at the moment. I decided to give the "pickled chillies" recipe a try.
The chillies are chopped/sliced and left to sit in a colander over a bowl after being sprinkled with sea salt flakes for a wee while.
Apple cider vinegar, water, and honey are stirred together in a large jug, the honey needs to dissolve.
After the chillies have had their stint in the colander (30 minutes), they are put into a sterilised jar with several peeled cloves of garlic and coriander seeds.
The liquid is then poured into the jar. Once sealed, it goes into the fridge, and can be used after two days. It will last up to one month refrigerated.
This is a very easy recipe. I'm just not sure I can use this many pickled chiles/chillies in a month, but I'll give it a try!