My damson experiences continue here at Struan Farm.
Over the weekend I managed to make the "Damson and Rosemary Cheese" from Kylee Newton's book "The Modern Preserver." (Unfortunately the recipe isn't online, so I can't share it with you.) It's a version of paste, so not anything for the faint-hearted. The fruit is covered with a bit of water and cooked until soft, then put through a sieve or food mill. The puree, sugar and lemon juice are then brought to the boil, and stirred continuously. For forty minutes. At one point I had to change arms it went on for that long!
But the result was worth it. The paste is poured into buttered cups or vintage moulds (I had one) and dry baked at the oven's lowest temperature until it has firmed to a slight "wobble." We all will remember wobbles from panna cotta, right?
They were easy to un-mould with a gentle touch, but once out the "cheese" pretty much adheres to whatever you set it on, so be prepared for that. It is quite good served with cheese and crackers, and will keep for up to six months in the fridge.
And good news: through the Piopio Community Fruit & Veg Stand I've been able to connect with a woman who is swamped with damsons! She offered me more fruit, so the damson adventures will continue. Especially since I've read they can be frozen for later use.