Lately while gathering walnuts here at Struan Farm I've been thinking that most people seem unable to disagree respectfully with one another. Yes, politics and views have become far more polarised. Misinformation is accepted as "alternative facts." Social media allows people to attack others they don't know from Adam. People are attacked personally because of their perceived political views, race, origin, even their name. There isn't discussion about differing ideas, mostly just personal attacks. Can I say try being named Karen and express an opinion these days?
So this is a bit of a rant on all that. Regular readers of this blog, if we still have any, will know when the "Garden Boy" appears it will be something philosophical.
On social media there are certain pages that are decidedly worse than others. I've grown somewhat tired of reporting hate speech, misinformation on COVID, and filing official complaints about the lack of monitoring by hosts of abuse and bullying on their pages clearly at odds with published "community standards." RNZ (Radio NZ) is one of the worst, along with Q&A (a political television show here in NZ). I've stopped reading the comments on CNN, MSN to avoid an aneurism. But I won't stop reporting offensive remarks, abuse and misinformation. Most recently on RNZ's FB page I reported a picture of former Prime Minister John Key as a penis, morphing into Christopher Luxton of NZ's National Party, also as a penis. Even if you disagree with the politics of these individuals, the image was offensive and should have been removed immediately. While RNZ tells me they're not responsible I beg to differ on that.
There's something in me that resists bullies of any persuasion. In these instances they are trying to suppress others with opposing views or differences by being nasty or at best immature. Especially when they are unable to articulate their own views and why they have them. There's the old saying that if you can't win the argument, attack the person; otherwise called "ad hominem" arguments.
This past week ahead of the Finance Minister's appearance on its show Q&A asked for ideas on addressing the serious housing crisis in NZ and reactions to the government's recent policy changes. I wrote a response about the need to increase supply first and foremost, even if that meant bringing in skilled labour from overseas, and considering innovative schemes used overseas like rent to own and equity participation to assist first time home buyers. I was told to go "back overseas!" While I was tempted to start a scrap, I removed my post. But I'm concerned that these bullies are out to stifle opposing views and thus debate, something critical for democracy. Note: for the avoidance of any doubt, I am in no way condoning hate speech.
I'm not someone who is inclined to attack people. I will debate opinions and ideas, particularly if mine are different. But it's hard to have a fully formed opinion on something if you haven't considered the merits of the other side of the argument, and why people might believe what they do.
In today's world it seems some people haven't really thought through why they hold certain beliefs or opinions; it's about alliances and opposing "the other." It's faster and easier not to think things through. It's also faster and easier to attack people rather than explain why you believe what you do. Because maybe you actually don't know yourself, you haven't considered the other side of the argument for whatever reason, or don't really understand the issue. "I'm red," or "I'm blue." Well, I've never been one of those people! For me it actually depends on the issues and the people involved, factoring in the rule of law, ethics and moral imperative. And given my background in economics, banking and finance I have an annoying if pragmatic habit of needing to work through the financial and economic implications of things since in my mind those cannot be discounted in the real world.
There is a way for rational people to have respectful disagreement. One that involves discussion of differences and ideas without personal attacks. And sometimes with friends once you're done that you simply have to agree to disagree on certain matters.
Please don't tell me that I am a disappearing breed, democracy depends on our ability and willingness to debate and question. And we won't talk about local government here in Waitomo and a certain Mayor either!
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