I came inside a few days ago after a cold, damp but sunny day in the gardens here at Struan Farm. The time before sunset is probably our collective favourite time of the day. Often John and I will go outside and walk around, hands in pockets, talking and dreaming about the next project(s). The new(ish) house looks out over trees, across hills, and off into the sunsets. It's a time for reflection and recovery from the day's effort.
This particular day the clouds and light were amazing. On one side of the sky a silver sliver of crescent moon was on the rise, while on the opposite side a plane was streaking across and leaving a contrail. I grabbed my camera and got carried away. Normally clouds don't cooperate but for some reason these did.
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's clouds illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all.
--Joni Mitchell
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